Custody & Parenting Time
If you are a parent contemplating divorce or separation, your first concern is probably for the well-being of your children--especially where they will live, and who will make important decisions about their lives.
For parents who are already divorced or separated, it is not uncommon for the best interests of your children to change as they grow, sometimes requiring a modification of custody and/or parenting time post-decree.
At Ruby & Associates, we share your concern, and bring years of experience handling child custody and parenting time matters to the table.
Child Custody
In Ohio, as in most states, courts decide custody based on the best interests of the child. A child’s best interests are evaluated using a number of factors, including:
- The wishes of the child
- The relationships between the child and parents, siblings, and extended family members
- The child's adjustment to home, school, and community
- The mental and physical health of all parties involved
- Whether parents have regularly made child support payments
- Which parent is more likely to honor the court-approved parenting time (visitation) and custody order
- Each parent's willingness to encourage the relationship between the child and the other parent
- Any history of abuse or domestic violence
- The geographical proximity of parents to each other
A common arrangement is shared parenting, formerly called joint custody. This is often, but not always, best for the child. Our attorneys will evaluate the strengths and any weaknesses of your case, and meticulously prepare to advocate for the custody arrangement that will best meet your child’s needs, whether in negotiations with the other party or before a judge.
Parenting Time
In Ohio, what used to be known as visitation is now referred to as parenting time, to reflect the fact that parents are not just “visitors” in their children’s lives. Each Ohio county has a standard parenting time schedule that is used as a starting point for determining child custody.
Because parenting time arrangements, like custody arrangements, should serve the best interests of the child, the standard parenting time schedule is modifiable to best meet the needs of each family. Since parents often disagree about what arrangement would be best, it’s critical to have strong advocacy when parenting time is being determined.
At Ruby & Associates, we meet with our clients to discuss their concerns and their children’s unique needs. We then work to identify a parenting time schedule that will best address those concerns and needs. Our attorneys work tirelessly to advocate for a schedule that will make life better for our clients and their children.
If you have concerns about child custody and parenting time, Ruby & Associates can help you evaluate your options and make the best choices so you can move forward. To learn more about how we can help you, contact our office at (330) 867-1405.